ARNAU Barcelona
Professionalism and constancy, along with the love we place each day in our work, led us to create a unique product with high level of personality.
Our mission is excellence.
– Joan Arnau, CEO
ARNAU Shirts
… is more than a label. It’s an American style brand with international roots and it’s built on the vision of Arnau’s family.
Details that turn heads
The iconic men's line reflectsit's founder's deep aesthetic convictions, as well as the mathematical rigor he brings to constructing every detail of every shirt. It's a formula that results in contemporary, head-turning classics.
No journey too big. No detail too small.
Growing up immersed in European's garment industry gave Joan Arnau an insider's education, as he absorbed invaluable knowledge from his father and grandfather - both steeped in the fashion business - from and early age. Perhaps the most important lesson: design with the consumer in mind, then strive for perfection in every detail.
… it’s a lesson he took to heart. An ARNAU shirt is more than meets the eye – though what meets the eye is stunning.
Style in detail. Boldly precise.
Whether it's the way a sleeve's pattern aligns perfectly at the seam or the subtle but memorable detailing under the collar, each shirt is a collection of design elements that reveal themselves with each successive look.
… are made by craftsmen in our small local workshop in Barcelona. In it, a 30 professionals team gives life and character to our multiple designs, ranging from the classic line up shirts shirting trendsetters worldwide.
Boldly precise shirt makers
Applying long knowledge confer more than 90 years in the market.
Live with passion. Dress with purpose.
ARNAU shirts are distributed in the best boutiques and shopping centres from around the world.
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